Thursday, 20 June 2013

Our visit to Kentwell House

On Wednesday 19th June Year 5 spent a wonderful day at Kentwell Tudor House.

We took part in a Tudor re-enactment dressed as Tudor peasants and learnt how Tudors lived.

We were all very excited as we passed through the time tunnel and entered Tudor times!

We are now writing a recount of our day!

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Our trip to the Tate Gallery.

Year 5 went on a trip yesterday to the Tate Modern and Globe theatre.

 The topic for the whole school, this summer, is 'What lies Beneath'. We have been discussing the 150th anniversary of the London underground system so it was good to travel by underground to St. Pauls.
Then we went across the Millennium Bridge and visited the Tate Modern.
The children sketched sculptures there. After lunch we walked along the Thames and sat down to sketch the Globe theatre. The weather was fabulous and the South Bank was crowded. Some passers by commented on the childrens drawings - how good they were!

Monday, 29 April 2013

The start of summer term in Class 5R

We have been investigating the length of shadows, as part of our Earth, Sun and Moon topic.


We now understand that it is us moving and not the sun!

We also made Musical Instruments as part of our Sound Topic. Thank you to everyone who sent in shoe boxes!

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Art Week - William Morris Designs

Year 5 have been working with an artist this week. They have been looking at William Morris designs and using our environmental area to draw designs for teo large wall hangings. Some children are using the designs to make fabric leaves and flowers which will be attached to the hangings.

Please take a look at us during book week:

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Book Week

Monday 28th January was the start of book week. We had a 'Book Character Day', when we had to dress up as our favourite book character. In class we have been enjoying the book 'Wolves' by Emily Gravett so we came to school dressed as wolves and rabbits.

Also we shared some of our favourite books with children in Class 2R. They really enjoyed listening to our stories.